FF Towers, 13 Ligali Ayorinde Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
0700 624 6663
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The MainOne Data center is certified to international standards to ensure that we meet and exceed our customers’ requirements in line with global standards applicable to our business areas. The importance of certification along world industry standards is a must for our business to be taken seriously.
The data center provides the facility to house servers and equipment for companies and merchants to conduct their business. In that capacity, MainOne has specific responsibilities that must be governed by operating standards at par with the rest of the world.
In attaining the ISO 27001:2013 certification, MainOne has fulfilled the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving an Information Security Management System. Furthermore, the design and implementation of MainOne’s Information security management system is influenced by our needs and objectives, security requirements, the organizational processes used and the size and structure of our organization.
This allows MainOne’s information security function become proactive in developing, deploying, managing, and maintaining an information security program hinged on a reliable, defensible, standards-based information security posture. This certification further entrenches MainOne’s commitment to information and physical security and confirms to our customers that our organization is proactively managing its security control responsibilities.