Last Friday, Amazon, Twitter, Netflix and a huge swath of other prominent websites were shut down by a large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack targeted at Dynamic Network Services (Dyn) Inc, a major DNS host, which manages internet traffic. While the attacks lasted, websites of the world’s most important companies including Twitter, Reddit, Spotify, Github, Airbnb, SoundCloud, PayPal and Netflix were shut down for hours.
While the attacks have come and gone, the effects are still been felt, as it is estimated that the DDoS attack may have cost the affected companies over $110million in revenue loss; Paypal alone lost $10million within two hours. For more details on the attack, read here.
These attacks reveal a low level of protection and preparedness from global companies in the fight against cybercrimes. With the growing frequency and intensity of attacks, the need to pro-actively address DDoS threats has become critically important. With a rapidly growing financial services, eCommerce industry and the rise of online businesses, Nigeria is becoming hugely attractive for cyberattackers. Against the backdrop of increased cybercrime against Nigerian enterprises, Nigeria’s premier Cloud Services provider, MainOne leads the pack with its DDoS Protection solution, specifically designed to improve organizations’ ability to effectively respond to DDoS attacks.
This solution has already received global acclamation, as MainOne’s Technology partner, Radware recently won the Frost and Sullivan Product Line Strategy Leadership award for DDoS Mitigation. This recognition reiterates the Radware/MainOne DDoS solution as the top leading and most innovative DDoS protection in the world today.
There is no better time for Nigerian enterprises to take advantage of MainOne’s DDoS solution against cyberattacks.
For more information on how MainOne can protect your enterprise against DDoS attacks, kindly reach out to us at