With the growing number of COVID-19 cases across our various geographies, and in line with global
best practice advise on how best to curtail the spread of the virus MainData Nigeria Limited (MDXi)
will like to assure all stakeholders that we are staying safe, while working to ensure continuity of
our services. As a result of the situation however, we are taking immediate action to place a
mandatory restriction on access to our data center facilities, this will be effective immediately,
and until further notice. These actions, we believe, will ensure the safety of our staff and customers
and enable continuous operation of our connectivity and data center facilities until normalcy
returns. This is part of our Business Continuity Plan to sustain operations with minimal impact to
our customers.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of our staff, customers and communities are of utmost concern and we are
acting in line with global best practices to take precautionary measures to minimize the risk of our
people contacting or spreading the virus:
We have restricted access to our various Data Center facilities to non-essential staff and are safely
accommodating only critical staff at the operational facilities required to keep our services running.
All face-to-face customer engagements, new provisioning activities, tours, visits and routine
customer activities within the data center facilities are hereby suspended until the
pandemic is over and normal business activities resume.
Please note that our emphasis during this period will be on sustaining the core of our operations
and attending to issues on customer or third-party locations may be impossible or take a little
longer to achieve, depending on the circumstances.
Continuous Service
We are fully prepared to ensure that all our services continue to run seamlessly, and plans are in
place to ensure no disruption. In order to reduce the burden of visits to our data centers on our
customers, all level 1 Remote Hands and Eyes Services (RHES) including replacement of
faulty hardware, patching, labelling and re-labelling of cable(s) and cable port swap/reset
shall be free for this period.
In addition, customers are encouraged to utilize our RHES for other advanced level services that
may be required. Request for such services can be made by sending email to gnoc@mainone.net or
through the customer portal https://portal.mainone.net
MDXi essential staff are embedded close to the data center and will continue to have access to our
work facilities in order to ensure we practice social distancing and stay safe in running our
operations. All other staff will work remotely from their homes.
Permitted Access to our Data Centers: Emergency Request Protocol
An Emergency Request for access to our Data Center will need to be presented in writing in
advance with the reason for the emergency, proven technical evidence supporting the request e.g.
error messages that require physical intervention and immediate attention to fix, confirmation with
the parties that physical presence is required to address the situation, and subsequently will be
assessed by Management on a case-by-case basis . In addition, all individuals requesting such access
will need to provide their name, passport with evidence of travel itinerary within the past 30 days;
and if travel has occurred, we will require evidence of testing negative for the Coronavirus within
the past 48 hours. Finally, in compliance with Lagos State social distancing guidelines, we can only
accommodate a maximum of 2 individuals per customer within any 24-hour period. This is because
we already have a certain number of staff embedded in our Data Center to keep services running
and granting more access will place our operations at risk by compelling us to operate outside of
those guidelines.
Finally, individuals granted access will be required to adhere with, MDXi emergency health and
safety protocols as well as all other MDXi access policies and guidelines. Notwithstanding the
forgoing, access to the Data Center facilities remain at our sole discretion.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation throughout this current and evolving situation.
We will continue to closely monitor this situation, respond appropriately and keep you informed on
any significant changes to these procedures. You can always visit our website at www.mdx-i.com
or contact your customersupport@mainone.net for more information on our commitment to
continue to support your businesses during this critical period.